It is always a great feeling seeing your work rewarded amongst the best in the industry. Thank you for all my clients that trust in me to create beautiful images for them – this is what it is all about for me, but getting an award on top of making my clients happy is very rewarding and keeps my pushing to do my best.
Orchard GardensTalia & Patricks – Central Otago – WeddingLisa Davidson Photography
Weddings! How lucky I am to be able to attend so many beautiful weddings – especially here in Central Otago. Talia and Patrick’s was pretty special – Happening just before covid19 Lockdown. It made for a bit of a stressful time beforehand Im sure for Talia and Patrick – as things were changing pretty quickly at that stage and it was hard to know who was able to come and who wasn’t, but thank goodness the day got to go ahead. We started the day with the boys getting fresh cuts at Tu Meke Hair, and had a few laughs as the boys got dressed in the front window of the main street. Not what the Friday shoppers were expecting to see! From there I headed out to the girls who were staying out Golden Road. There was calm and laughter as I arrived to the girls looking amazing, with makeup just finishing and the final touches being done with hair. Talia and Patrick got married at The Orchard Gardens – a well known local venue that never disappoints. We headed for photo’s around Clyde after the ceremony, which again when you are surrounded by great people was great fun with lots of laughs. Thanks Talia and Patrick for having me capture your special wedding day. It was an honour to be a part of – enjoy a glimpse into this special day xx
Lisa Davidson PhotographyPre Wedding shoot
Pre wedding shoots are something that have become more popular over the last few years. I love doing these sessions and seeing the confidence grow in these beautiful woman. No matter what our age or size we all seem to be insecure about something. These are sessions I think every woman should take the time to do – not just before your wedding day, but just for you – at any stage of your life. Everyone of you are strong and beautiful. Sometimes we need to see ourselves from someone else’s perspective.
Lisa Davidson PhotographyPoppyNewborn Photography
Beautiful, simplistic newborn photo’s.
Well as much as we don’t like being shut in our homes in Lockdown – It is giving me a little time to catch up with things that I have let slip. Blogs are one thing that I really just don’t find the time for – and I must say Im not very good at. Happy to post photo’s but Im terrible when it comes to writing. Mind you who needs words when there are such adorable newborn photos to look at. Here is the beautiful Poppy. Enjoy xx
Lisa Davidson PhotographyPortrait Masters 2020Award winning images
The Portrait Masters Awards and accreditation is an International competition that I have been entering since it started a couple of years back. I wasn’t planning on entering this year as I had been so busy with work and life in general that I hadn’t had the time to commit to this. Although right at the last minute and with a reminder that there was only 2 hours left to enter – it got the better of me and I searched the photos that i still had sitting on my computer and ended up entering 4 images. # in the newborn category and 1 in Boudoir. There were 11,051 entries from all around the world entered this round, and i was pleased to see all of my images were awarded Bronze. These are my winning entries below…….. Enjoy xx
Winning awardsLisa Davidson Photography-Portrait MastersThe Portrait Masters 2018
The portrait Masters 2018
This year has had many first’s for me. It has been an amazing year, and one of the most memorable and exciting times was meeting my biggest mentor and most amazing photographer and educator – Sue Bryce – I was lucky enough to spend 2 days with her and a group of amazing photographers from around the world. This pushed me outside my comfort zone – especially photographing while Sue was watching!! – talk about feeling the pressure – but really I couldn’t have been put more at ease and feel in love with what i do even more.
Then the entries opened for The portrait Masters – which is a world wide Awards and Accreditation program. This year had the most amazing panel of International Judges! So I decided to put my work out there and be judged! The Portrait Masters Conference hosted by Sue Bryce which ran for 3 days in Phoenix, Arizona was were the winners were announced live. I was sitting at home watching a live feed at my computer when the Newborn Category came on – and I couldn’t believe it when my image came up in the Top 10 images. With 7000 entries in this competition I was so blown away. Unfortunately I must not have filled things in properly and Instead of Lisa Davidson Photography being announced and seen by thousands it just has my name as Lisa….. Lesson learnt (make sure you fill everything in well. Anyway not only was I in the top 10 Newborn Photographers I received 1 silver and 8 Bronze awards. So it pays to put yourself out there every now and again, get over the fear, and do it anyway – as this time it was so worth it. Here are my images that I entered – each one winning an award.
16th February 2018Clyde Wedding – Camyce & TroyThe Packing Shed
Troy & Camyce came back to Central Otago to get married in February. They chose to do a “First Look” at the Shaky Bridge in Alexandra – as this was where Troy had proposed and so was a special place for them both. We then headed out for some photo’s where the weather wasn’t really being very kind. The winds were so strong it wasn’t ideal . Luckily by the time we arrived at The Packing shed for the ceremony the winds had calmed and everything went of smoothly. Thanks for having me to share in your day. Here is a little peek into Troy and Camyce’s wedding day…….